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Feb 14, · One point of view. It’s hard to analyze books without impartiality when you have a positive or negative opinion about it; paper decoration. The book report must be properly structured to be easy to read; selection of topics. Even with excellent filling, your paper should have a strong name to Book reports are informative reports that discuss a book from an objective stance. They are similar to book reviews but focus more on a summary of the work than an evaluation of it. Book reports commonly describe what happens in a work; their focus is primarily on giving an account of the major plot, characters, thesis, and/or main idea of the work Book Reports: A Type of Expository Essay. A book report is usually written as an expository essay, although it can be written in other forms. In some cases, a teacher will ask students to take a point of view when writing a book report
How to Write a Book Report: Step-by-Step Writing Guide
A book report is a specific kind of report that the student writes after reading a book. It is different from a book review and is less detailed than it. It is a short explanation or summary of the content of a book and informs the readers about the main theme and central storyline of the chosen book.
Unlike a book review that is longer and more detailed, the purpose of writing a book report is to summarize what happened in the story. It should contain an overview of why you chose this specific novel, along with your thoughts about how it might have been improved or changed if given different circumstances. However, no matter how simple it may seem, students often find it difficult when it comes to writing a report. Keep on reading the blog to know how to come up with a strong and effective report.
A book report is an informative piece of writing that summarizes the book and presents some brief analysis of its main elements like plot, setting, characters, tone, and background of the story. This could be either fiction books or nonfiction, so there are many ways of presenting this information depending on your personal preferences. Some course instructors may ask students to add relevant themes of the book book reports writing plot elements into their reports.
But on a very basic level, a book report is an extremely simple form of a book review. How does book report writing benefit you? Writing reports help students to improve their analytical and communication skills. Besides, book reports writing, they also practice expressing their thoughts and ideas about the different aspects of the book they read. Book reports and book reviews look similar, book reports writing. However, a book review requires in-depth analysis as compared to a report.
Book reports writing of them share some common traits, but we will discuss them later. We will discuss the differences before moving to the similarities.
Since many students are confused between these two, it is important to discuss the differences first. A book report is similar to a summary and can be used interchangeably. In contrast, a review requires you to analyze the contents of the material in order for your readership to know about it better. You will need to examine its contents, understand what's going on with the plotline or main message of this piece--whether or not if the author has managed to communicate his thoughts well enough.
Due to the similarities, many students think that both of these are the same. It is wrong and could cost you your grade. You should take care of some important things when writing a book report. If the essay is not what your instructor wanted, then it will get you no good grades. It will be no more than a waste of time, book reports writing.
Planning ahead from the beginning can help ensure success. Therefore, make sure that you plan your report before you start writing it. Starting a writing or other project is more important than completing it. After all, how will you be able to complete and submit a good book report without starting one? The steps involved at the beginning of your paper are different from those needed for formatting the essay later on.
The preliminary steps help keep you focused so that even if your motivation starts waning near the end, you will know what's left undone. Picking the right book is a crucial part of your writing process. Some teachers assign you books, and there's nothing you can do about it. However, if given a choice to pick out any type of novel for yourself, choose the one that suits your interests the best.
Everyone has different preferences regarding what types of novels they like reading, book reports writing, so make sure you choose the one that interests you, book reports writing.
You cannot write a good and A-grade worthy report without reading book reports writing. Many students book reports writing that reading the summary, notes, and details online is enough, but this is not the right way of doing it. Reading is important because otherwise, you will not be able to get to the depth of the story, which is necessary for writing the report.
When reading the book, note down all the important points and incidences in your notebook. No other method is as useful as the good old paper and pen method. Make notes and keep them with you for quick reference. Relevant and strong quotations from the book will add weightage to your book report and help you give your point of view in a better manner. These will also help you when you write your personal evaluation, as you could add them to prove your point and analysis. An outline is important for a good and strong book report.
When making the outline, make sure that you add all the important points to it. An outline helps the writer stay organized and book reports writing on the points and content that he is working on. After you have completed all the steps above, start writing your book report. Stay focused on the points and quotes that you have gathered and follow the outline closely. Usually, it includes both basic information of the book and its complete analysis.
How to write a report for college and high school levels? Follow the same steps because the outline and format stay the same; only the book and the added details will be different.
A book report format is different from a book review, and when writing one, as a writer, you should make sure that you follow the right format. Studying the format and working according to it is important if you do not want to waste your time and effort. Follow the steps below to learn the basic book report format and how to draw an outline according to it.
A book report outline includes everything from the introduction to details of different main aspects and book reports writing of the book. An outline is an important part of the writing book reports writing. It shapes your work and helps you stay focused.
Here are the things you must consider and take book reports writing of when making the outline for your book report. The introductory paragraph should be about what you found interesting about the book. It could be facts that are not common knowledge, which is why you chose to read it. Book reports writing book reports could be personal also, it book reports writing okay to state any personal reasons you have for choosing the book. In the body of your report, book reports writing, tell what the book is about.
This shows that you have read and understood it perfectly. Here are the things that you should add in the body paragraphs. Your final paragraph is the perfect opportunity to express your thoughts about the book.
It's time for you, as an avid reader and critic of literature, to give your honest book reports writing of this work. In book reports writing ways does it succeed?
What are its weaknesses? Does it provoke any thoughts or emotions in you - did reading this make you laugh or cry while also teaching something new that expands your understanding? Always revise your report before handing it in. You have a chance to fix the things such as getting the quotes right or making sure that the statements are clear. After formatting as per your instructor's guidelines, make any necessary changes before handing in your work, book reports writing.
Creating a book report outline before writing the report is necessary and important. It helps you in staying organized and completing your report on time. It talks about the deteriorating morals of the society, as a side effect of capitalism or consumer culture, book reports writing. Example: The narrative is set in the s, when LA was a dark and book reports writing city full of rain-soaked crime. Detective Philip Marlowe becomes connected to a wealthy family who has been keeping some pretty big secrets from him.
He meets the Sternwood sisters and uncovers the dark secrets of the family. Marlowe realizes that it was actually Carmen who killed her missing relative, while Vivian covered up her crime.
Her attempt on his life fails miserably due to an expertly anticipated move by Marlowe. Writing a book report on a work of fiction is easier than writing one on a nonfiction book. But what if you have to write a report on a nonfiction book? You can do some simple things that will help you write the report and maybe even make it fun. Writing a nonfiction book report could be challenging. You will have to stick to factual details and will have less freedom to express your views.
Following these steps will help you do it easily. No time to read the book? Here are the steps book reports writing write a book report without reading the entire book. Though writing a book report without reading the book is hard, you can do it by following the above steps. Students studying at different levels have different skills and ability levels, book reports writing. Here is how they can write book reports for their respective academic levels, book reports writing.
The following book reports writing some book report templates that you can use for your primary or elementary school. Before heading towards the writing process of your book report, it is a good idea to have a look at some of the book report examples. Basic ideas include presenting your narrative and analysis in simple written and file form, while more creative ideas include a fun element.
Here are some creative and artistic book report ideas you can choose from. Good and well-written book reports introduce the book and explain its main themes and points briefly. There is book reports writing fine line between giving just enough details and giving away the entire book, and a good report maintains this distinction.
How to Write a Book Report - Tip #1 - The Basics (Minute Book Report)
, time: 2:25
How to Write a Great Book Report
Book report projects focus mostly on giving a summary of a literary work than an evaluation of it. Teachers assign them to middle and high school students. These academic papers can take different forms, ranging from to words and include different elements according to Book reports are informative reports that discuss a book from an objective stance. They are similar to book reviews but focus more on a summary of the work than an evaluation of it. Book reports commonly describe what happens in a work; their focus is primarily on giving an account of the major plot, characters, thesis, and/or main idea of the work Feb 14, · One point of view. It’s hard to analyze books without impartiality when you have a positive or negative opinion about it; paper decoration. The book report must be properly structured to be easy to read; selection of topics. Even with excellent filling, your paper should have a strong name to
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Aug 05, · A restraining order, also referred to as a protective order, is a court ordered command to cease a certain behavior, generally involving contact with the individual who filed the restraining order. While the extent of the restraining order will vary case-by-case, a common reason would be a victim filing for a restraining order against an blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins A restraining order is a court document that restricts, or eliminates, contact between two people. Restraining orders are usually associated with victims of domestic violence, but can be obtained by victims of any form of harassment. Essentially, a judge decides how far a the defendant must stay away to keep you safe Denver Co Resume Writing Services, Mla Short Essay Length, Check Writing Practice, Geneseo Supplement Essay 97% Free Revision Facility Is Available For Your Satisfaction
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Often associated with domestic violence, restraining orders can be a legal sort of protection for those who feel they are threatened by another individual. However, sometimes restraining orders are wrongfully filed for malicious reasons, and it may be necessary to attempt to have a restraining order lifted.
Orders will likely be specific to each case when it comes to the distance required, places considered off limits, and who the order extends to, but there are some general rights allowed to those with a restraining order against them. Though it will vary by state, there are also general practices for obtaining, restraining order essay, defending against, and lifting a restraining order, as well as the penalties that will come with violating one.
A restraining order, also referred to as a protective order, is a court ordered command to cease a certain behavior, generally involving contact with the individual who filed the restraining order.
While the extent of the restraining order will vary case-by-case, a common reason would be a victim filing for a restraining order against an abuser. The judge would then order that the abuser keep a certain distance from the victim at all times, possibly requiring that they not enter any predetermined spaces of the victim — such as the workplace, home, or other places they frequent. It may also prohibit any form of contact, whether that be by phone, email, mail, social media, or any other method of communication.
There typically has to be a good reason to successfully obtain a restraining order, and some of these include:. Overall, there usually must be some sort of abuse, stalking, harassment, or assault occur or continuously occur, no matter by who. The provisions in a restraining order will likely include some of the following in order to protect the applicant against this behavior:.
Violating a protective order can come with serious consequences as well, even resulting in criminal charges with jail time, fines, and other penalties.
Depending on who the victim is, the nature of the harassment and abuse, and the severity of the issue, it will be determined what type of restraining order will be taken out and for how long. The major types are:. As such, it is required that:. The temporary restraining order will only last for 14 days, after which the order will expire, be extended for another 14 days, or be extended for a period of time with consent from the recipient, restraining order essay.
In even bigger emergencies, an emergency protective order can be set into place. This will usually happen when the police become involved in a domestic violence case where the victim needs immediate protection, but court is out of session for the time being. As such, these generally only last for 24 hours, the weekend, the holiday, or whatever time being until the court is able to again issue restraining orders.
These are often issued as the result of a domestic violence dispute, and it can sometimes be difficult to correctly identify who is at fault in the situation, which is likely why they are so short term.
The recipient of the restraining order will be able to plead their case at their hearing once court is back in session. Permanent restraining orders are obviously more long lasting than the others, ranging from weeks to indefinitely. They are taken much more seriously than the others, so they require that a hearing and trial have been completed, often coming along with the sentencing of a criminal trial to protect any victims.
These orders can be modified as required, whether allowing for more or less contact, restraining order essay, and they have the possibility of being renewed, extended, or even ended.
It will require the process of lifting the restraining order with a judge, who will make a decision in the best interest of the applicant and any children restraining order essay other dependents involved in the situation. They typically require these four points :. In cases where the victim suffers abuse from someone they live with, restraining order essay, they can seek out a domestic restraining order essay restraining order. This would come as the result of a trial where the defendant was charged with domestic abuse, and could come with several provisions:.
Those who are older than 65 or over the age of 18 with certain debilitating mental or physical disabilities may file for a restraining order against their abuser. This abuse can be be financial or physical, whether that be through neglect, abandonment, or depravation of necessities. This would likely include restrictions on the abuser, restraining order essay, such as:. These restraining orders protect victims under the age of 18, whether it be from another minor or an adult, restraining order essay.
These may be important in domestic violence cases where the children are being abused, whether living with the abuser or restraining order essay, as well as to work against dating violence. As such, it will likely include provisions that the defendant may not:. Sexual abuse includes any kind of touching of intimate or sexual parts without consent of the victim, including if they are not capable of consenting at the time.
This may begin as a temporary restraining order and become permanent after a trial — or the defendant fails restraining order essay request or attend a hearing. This can come with a five year restraining order, but it can become permanent if the abuser was convicted of at least sexual misconduct or rape in the third degree and whether the victim is reasonable to restraining order essay in danger.
They will likely not be allowed to:. These orders are much more broad concerning who the abuser or victim can be and can include less violent behavior than the abuse described above, including any kind of assault, restraining order essay, stalking, harassment, restraining order essay, threatening behavior, restraining order essay, or unwanted communication.
However, the abuser cannot be a current or former spouse or partner, anyone the victim has previously dated, or a close relative, such as a parent, child, sibling, or grandparent. Restraining order essay behavior can include:. Employers may seek restraining orders for an employee who is experiencing violence or threats in the workplace. An employee wanting to file for a restraining order would restraining order essay apply for a civil harassment restraining order.
This would require that the defendant not:. They will then be taken to the courtroom where they will be sworn in and attend a hearing with the judge.
After the victim describes the abuse and provides evidence, restraining order essay, the judge will determine if a temporary restraining order may be granted until a hearing can be held with the defendant. Other pieces of evidence to back up the case can include:. If the judge finds the defendant guilty, then a permanent restraining order may be instated, which can provide provisions specific to keeping the victim safe.
Outside of regular business hours, they should contact the police restraining order essay obtain an emergency protective order, but they will probably have to attend a hearing the next day the courts are open. If someone files a restraining order against you, restraining order essay will be served notice through mail or the police. You will then have the chance to attend the hearing where you may present your case and any evidence that could help your case.
But counter evidence of what was really happening will be particularly helpful to defend yourself. Do not destroy any evidence, however, as this could make you look more guilty. You may want to get an attorney, especially if custody of children will become an issue, and any character witnesses you may have. If you are still allowed to have some communication with the protected person, restraining order essay, do not overstep any boundaries.
Any violation of the protective order could come with jail time, fines, loss of custody, a temporary order becoming permanent, and any other number of consequences, restraining order essay. If the restraining order does remain in restraining order essay after the hearing, there may be a possibility of lifting the restraining order in the future.
No matter what, restraining orders should be taken very seriously. You must be logged in to post a comment. What Is a Restraining Order? There typically has to be a good reason to successfully obtain a restraining order, and some of these include: Domestic violence Elder or dependent adult abuse Juvenile abuse or harassment Sexual assault Civil harassment Workplace violence Overall, there usually must be some sort of abuse, stalking, harassment, or assault occur or continuously occur, no matter by who.
Even for temporary restraining orders, they may be asked to leave with only their clothing and personal possessions until the hearing is held. Types of Restraining Orders Depending on who the victim is, the nature of the harassment and abuse, and restraining order essay severity of the restraining order essay, it will be determined what type of restraining order will be taken out and for how long. Emergency Protective Orders In even bigger emergencies, an emergency protective order can be set into place.
Permanent Restraining Order Permanent restraining orders are obviously more long lasting than the others, ranging from restraining order essay to indefinitely. This would likely include restrictions on the abuser, such as: A certain distance to refrain from the victim, which could require the defendant to not be allowed at their own place of employment or home No contact to be made with the victim Loss of gun rights Juvenile Restraining Order These restraining orders protect victims under the age of 18, whether it be from another minor or an adult.
Other pieces of evidence to back up the case can include: Police reports Medical records Photos of injuries Any recordings of or written abuse, threats, or admission of guilt If the judge finds the defendant guilty, then a permanent restraining order may be instated, which can provide provisions restraining order essay to keeping the victim safe.
What to Do If Someone Files for a Restraining Order Against You If someone files a restraining order against you, you will be served notice through mail or the police.
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Understanding The Domestic Violence Restraining Order Process.
, time: 9:35
All About Restraining Orders: Know Your Rights -
Aug 05, · A restraining order, also referred to as a protective order, is a court ordered command to cease a certain behavior, generally involving contact with the individual who filed the restraining order. While the extent of the restraining order will vary case-by-case, a common reason would be a victim filing for a restraining order against an blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins The views expressed in this essay are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. how effectively a restraining order would operate to prevent the threatened danger. Author: Ken Hyle Jun 26, · Restraining order under S (10) A restraining order will only be given by the court when a scheme or an arrangement is proposed to the court under the consideration as accordance to s (1)& (3) to prohibits the court in granting any further action towards the said company. However such application must be applied to court before any orders or resolution has been passed by the
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We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: HouseDreamsUnited StatesSocial IssuesRaceAmericaFamilyCommunity. Hansberry had experienced discrimination in her life, when her father moved their home outside the Chicago ghetto, and had to file a lawsuit to have his house protected, name essays examples.
Influenced by these events, she wrote this play which talks about a poor Name essays examples family, and the financial and racial obstacles experienced by them. The play won the Best American Play award given by the New York Drama Critics Circle, and Hansberry became the first African —American woman and the youngest American writer, to receive this award.
In this essay, we try to explore how the author has employed various literary devices such as plot, motif, dialogues, characterization and symbols, to convey the theme of racial discrimination. The beauty of the plot is that, the author is able to maintain the theme of racism, name essays examples, while narrating an interesting story about a poor family, and their relationship with each other name essays examples their collective struggle against poverty, name essays examples.
The members of the Younger family, Lena, Ruth, Walter Lee, Beneatha and Travis, are a bunch of dreamers. The Matriarch of the family Lena Mama name essays examples a dream, to have a decent house to accommodate her family. Her son Walter dreams of Liquor business which would make him rich, while her daughter Beneatha dreams about a medical career.
Ruth, the wife of Walter, too has her dreams of name essays examples a home, where her son Travis can grow comfortably, name essays examples. The plot then goes on to say, how each of these family members try to name essays examples their American dream. While each of them chases their dream, they have to face many obstacles most of them based on their race. This family typifies a mid-twentieth century African American family.
Most of them endured a life of poverty, and had to fight both their financial constraints and the societal discrimination. The character of Walter Lee espouses all the bitterness and aspirations of a young Black patriarch. He wants to invest the insurance money, which Mama is entitled through the death of his father, in a Liquor business.
He is desperately seeking a way out from their poverty. He feels bitter about it, which is explicit in his characterization and name essays examples. He not just resents the financial gap between the Blacks and Whites, but also regrets the way in which an average Black American is looked down by the society. His ultimate aim is to attain that status name essays examples dignity, and he sees money as medium to achieve those values.
They can either try to assimilate with the White community by imitating their ways, or they can cling on to their cultural values and assimilate without disowning their past. Her two suitors George Murchison and Joseph Asagai denote the two different struggles of her inner self.
Joseph on the other hand, is more like the part of her which is name essays examples of name essays examples ancestry and seeks recognition for what she is. In the end by rejecting George, she denounces her pretences and embraces her identity as an African American with pride. The receipt of the insurance check by Mama acts as a catalyst that fuels the individual dreams of the family. The ambitious Walter Lee wants Mama to help him start his liquor business with his street-smart friend Willy.
Walter is a Limousine chauffeur who has dreams of changing the fortunes of his family. He thinks that Blacks cannot achieve social progress unless they take risk and invest in big schemes. But Mama aspire a decent house which she thinks would hold the family together and give them a moral boost. Their present dwelling, which is described in detail in the initial scenes, is one that had endured years of wear and tear, and highlights the deprived condition of the family even more.
Her dream is similar to the stereotypical American Dream of the s, which is to have a house with a yard and a garden, with a car and a happy family. Mama finds a compromise that would fulfill all of their dreams. The small yet crucial character of Lindner, typifies the general attitude of the White community towards the Blacks.
Even after many laws being passed, the White community still had reservations about having Black Americans among them. I want you to believe me when I tell you that race prejudice simply doesn't enter into it. It is a matter of the people of Clybourne Park believing, rightly or wrongly, as I say, that for the happiness of all concerned that our Negro families are happier when they live in their own communities. Bombings, assaults and demonstrations against Blacks, trying to move east into better neighborhoods, name essays examples, were common in Chicago during that time.
In the first scene Mama takes care of the plant, name essays examples, the plant does not get adequate sunlight in the dark dwelling of the family, but it manages to survive. When the family shifts to their dream house, the final act of Mama in their old house is to retrieve the plant.
It is much like the dream, the family conceives, which is not able to take form in their present dwelling, but does not die and linger in their hearts. Finally by moving to a better house they give the plant a better surrounding. Likewise the new house also provides Younger family an impetus towards fulfilling their dream. Name essays examples refusing the money offered by Lindner and moving to their new house, the Younger family sends a strong message to the society, that they will not allow anyone to say to them that, they are not fit to walk on the same earth, name essays examples.
It is about name essays examples an average American family was not allowed to pursue its dream because of race. Race is used by Hansberry as a latent backdrop for an engaging and emotional story, and she has succeeded in strongly conveying the evils of racism by expert use of various literary devices. We accept sample papers from students via the submission form.
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BLACK WOMEN SHAPING FEMINIST THEORY ESSAY. March 30, Why Women Still Cant Have It All - The Atlantic. NYU Press View Cart, Checkout, Search Search Close. Emory Women Writers Resource Project, The Atomic Poems Black Woman, White Movement, Why Black Women Are. 2 Flax suggests that feminist theory is intimately related to action, Feminist theory is the foundation of action and there is no pretense that theory can be neutral Theory Essay Hooks Shaping Bell Women Black Feminist. She was born on September 25, and later in her career, she started to go by the name of bell hooks. They are a silent majority. This leaves the black woman in a tight spot since she is facing oppression from both
Black Feminism -
Black feminist organizations emerged during the s and they had to face manifold difficulties from both the white feminist and Black Nationalist political organizations they were confronting with. Black feminists had rejected the idea of a single unified gender oppression that faced evenly by all women, and argued that early feminist analysis reflected the specific concerns of white, middle-class women. One of the theories that evolved out of the Black feminist movement was Alice Walker's Womanism.
Alice Walker and other womanists pointed out that black woman experienced a different and more intense kind of oppression from that of white women. They point out the emergence black feminism after earlier movements led by white middle-class women which they regard as having largely ignored oppression based on race and class, black women shaping feminist theory essay. Patricia Hill Collins defined Black feminism, in Black Feminist Thoughtas including "women who theorize the experiences and ideas shared by ordinary black women that black women shaping feminist theory essay a unique angle of vision on self, community, and society".
They stated such as. Order custom essay Black Black women shaping feminist theory essay with free plagiarism report. In establishing why Black Feminism is relevant, it must black women shaping feminist theory essay established that women of color have been thrice victimized: by racismsexism and economic exploitation.
These three oppressive forces affect women of color simultaneously and equally relentlessly Gordon Black Feminism is the acknowledgement that women of color have been oppressed by sexism and racism, that there was a failure to recognize and address these issues in the Feminist Movement and the Black Liberation Movement, black women shaping feminist theory essay, and that women of color have their own agenda that neither movement can take on.
Black Feminism focuses on the experiences needs and desires of women of color Aldridge The goal of Black Feminism is to create a criterion by which women of color can assess their realities, both in thought and in action Hudson-Weems She has no right to ask her husband because she is supposed to handle the households, not to look into the doings of black women shaping feminist theory essay husband. As it is against the norms of patriarchal society, in which she is living.
Their feminity. Their humanity. Third phase which depicts the darker aspect of black feminism is that of sexual oppression. Women are sexually harassed by male, as in the story Sissie is representative of the working women community, that how her Boss demanded sexual favor as a substitute for her promotion. Another blessing is mentioned that it is Saturday, which means no school but this Saturday means nothing for her as she has much to do at home on the free day, because there is no concept of rest for a woman even on the holiday.
She has no right regarding the car in spite of having investment in the car. Here again comes one of the major themes of Black Feminist thought that is of self valuation that a woman has no self possession.
It is the realization of woman after the real experience of black women shaping feminist theory essay sex. Basically this story embodies the objectification of women and glorification of sex but sudden realization of the true fact, which is an important concept in Black Feminism that women of Black race starting realizing or identifying the things.
But this time I do not leave my place. The story is all about the feelings of a woman that how she feels when the fantasy world or the glorified picture of having sexual pleasure turned into the reality. A veil of illusion is now dropped away from her eyes. But at the end of the day, black women shaping feminist theory essay, she has to put up that veil over her face and pretend to be like as usual, because she is anticipated to behave like this.
This story refers to the variations in definition of independence according to men and women. The whole country got independence but what about the woman who is still the slave of others and has to live her life the way she is told to. Although they were going to enter in a new era but it makes no difference for the women because there are specific boundaries settled by men for her, which is not allowed by the society to cross anyway.
In short, we see that the black feminist movement had to contend with civil rights movements that wanted women in a lesser role. Men believed the black women would organize around their own needs and minimize their own efforts, losing reliable allies in the struggle for civil rights. The black feminist movement not only had to compete with racial prejudice but also the structure of our patriarchal society, making their struggle much harder. This essay was written by a fellow student.
You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Black Feminism.
Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Jan 04, Black women shaping feminist theory essay October 7, comJan Argument Feminism in Islamic countries is probably among the sharpest issues black women shaping feminist theory essay, as the religious tradition to be broken is time-honored and legally enforced in the present day. Saba Mahmood. The construction of a just and humane society, just like other social and institutional facts is a long and tedious process, nevertheless, the task needs to be done.
Within the. Feminism is a movement concerned with the advocacy of uplifting the roles and status of women. This struggle of campaigning for women's rights has started from the nineteenth century up. The relationship of feminism and anthropology can convey a new development to the manner descriptive anthropologies are written and done.
Lila Abu-Lughod 's statement women's rightist descriptive anthropology is an. Instead traditional feminism has always focused on white middle-class needs. Traditional values fall to recognize how women's different identities such as race, class, and sexuality shape our views and beliefs. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the goal of feminism to be empowered to do whatever you want? To establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment?
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Bell Hooks, Black Women: Shaping Feminist Theory Essay
BLACK WOMEN SHAPING FEMINIST THEORY ESSAY. March 30, Why Women Still Cant Have It All - The Atlantic. NYU Press View Cart, Checkout, Search Search Close. Emory Women Writers Resource Project, The Atomic Poems It is essential for continued feminist struggle that black women recognize the special vantage point our marginality gives us and make use of this perspective to criticize the dominant racist, classist, sexist hegemony as well as to envision and create a counterhegemony. SOURCE: bell hooks, “Black Women: Shaping Feminist Theory,” Black Woman, White Movement, Why Black Women Are. 2 Flax suggests that feminist theory is intimately related to action, Feminist theory is the foundation of action and there is no pretense that theory can be neutral
Apr 10, · The “Broken Window Theory” is a theory explaining crime and their causes within cities or neighborhoods. The authors of this essay, Wilson and Kelling portray the description of how a broken window to a building can give off a message to the public that the building is not cared for properly Essay On Broken Windows Theory. Words3 Pages. James Wilson and George Kelling introduced the broken windows theory in The broken windows theory states that any minor crimes, if ignored will increase into higher and more serious crimes. This theory implies that if you control an area to be well be ordered and maintained, this could stop further acts and decrease the crime rates James Q. Wilson
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According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBIcrime rate has been on the increase in the USA since All offenses categorized as violent crimes, which include rape, non-negligent manslaughter and murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and others, have increased in many states and cities in the country. For instance, the number of rape cases increased by 9. com, In addition, over the past few weeks, we have experienced serious crimes such as the gay bar shootings in Orlando, the Brownsville rape case where a teen was brutally raped by five men, and the five armed robberies that took place in Las Vegas neighborhood within four hours NeighborhoodScout.
All these increased crimes pose a challenge to the police department as well as the criminal justice department in relation to the broken windows theory essay to prevent them. Various crime policy scholars, such as George L. Kelling and James Q. Wilson, as well as specialists such as former Los Angeles Police Commissioner, William J. Bratton, argued that paying attention to miniature offenses such as prostitution, aggressive panhandling, and graffiti can help strengthen communities, reduce fear, and prevent major crimes Thompson, This led to the development of Broken Windows Theory.
The theory derived the name broken windows theory essay the example of a house with a few broken windows. It asserts that if the windows are not repaired, then it is common and easy for vandals to break few more windows, with time they shall break all the windows, and eventually they may even break into the building Thompson, Therefore, this paper evaluates the available literature and information concerning the application and efficiency of the broken windows theory in prevention of the increasing number of major crimes within the U.
Specifically, it assesses the areas or neighborhoods in which it was applied to help reduce crimes in USA, and how it can be applied in the U, broken windows theory essay. S to help curb the increasing menace of crimes. A major challenge and problem facing the criminal justice system as well as the country as a whole is the increased crimes in the neighborhoods broken windows theory essay cities.
The criminal justice department as well as the government faces a lot of challenges in developing policies and methods that can be used to prevent offenses such as murder, rape, robbery, assault, among other major crimes committed within the country, broken windows theory essay. A major theory that has been applied in some cities and neighborhoods as a strategy to prevent major crimes is the broken windows theory, broken windows theory essay.
As stated, broken windows theory essay, the theory was developed by George Kelling and James Q. Wilson, and also applied by various practitioners such as William J. Bratton, the former New York Police Commissioner. Bratton applied the strategy of broken windows theory to prevent major crimes broken windows theory essay New York Fulda, The theory was based on the approach of Zero-Tolerance, which meant prevention of minor crimes within the neighborhood.
Arrests were increased for minor offenses, such as vandalism, toll-jumping, graffiti scribers, petty drug dealers, and public drinking as a strategy of preventing major offenses. The zero tolerance approach was based on four concepts, which include effective tactics, rapid deployment of resources and personnel, accurate and timely intelligence, and relentless assessment and follow up.
Concisely, introduction of the broken windows theory resulted in decreased severe offenses. Majority of the people in New York supported the approach by the police department of preventing minor offenses as a strategy to control major offenses.
Mayor Rudy Giuliani acknowledged that this reduction in major crimes was as a result of the introduction of the zero-tolerance concept, broken windows theory essay, which was derived from the broken windows theory. Additionally, a significant number of U. states and other countries embraced the concept of reducing minor crimes. However, the concept of broken windows was not perceived by some individuals as an effective way of preventing crimes in neighborhoods, broken windows theory essay.
After the implementation of the zero-tolerance strategy in New York, many complaints were filed with the Civilian Complaint Review Board CCRB for police misconduct, brutality, and abuse of force. However, after a serious broken windows theory essay of the complaints, it was established that they mainly originated from the areas with a high prevalence of minor offenses, particularly those inhabited by African Americans and Latinos.
Researches had indicated that the African American communities and Latino residents had high likeliness of engaging in crime and other minor offenses, broken windows theory essay, which justified the reason for the increased complaints from these areas.
Additionally, other critics stated that the decline in the rate of major offenses, such as murder, forced rape, and robbery was as a result of implementation of incarceration policy. The critics argued that the perpetrators of these offenses were convicted in prisons, which led to the reduction of perpetrators within the neighborhoods.
Additionally, they stated that the potential perpetrators avoided engagement in crimes because of the fear of imprisonment and other harsh penal policies. Furthermore, some argued that the approach by Bratton was unfair because it was mainly directed towards the poor communities and areas Fulda, Therefore, it is clear that the broken windows theory is a controversial issue among many people.
The concept has been applied in some states and countries and also criticized and rejected in others. Therefore, it is important to focus on the analysis of the broken windows theory and its effectiveness in reducing major crimes in the U.
Maintaining order is one of the basic factors involved in ensuring safety within neighborhoods and cities. It is not necessarily a must for a person to be violent to bother other people against their wishes.
One of the greatest fears of most people is sudden violent attack by strangers. Attacks by strangers is a common thing in most large cities, for instance Newark. Nonetheless, it is not a must that the attack be violent to instill fear in cities; even non-violent issues such as panhandling, broken windows theory essay, public drinking, rowdy loitering, prostitution, and other petty crimes cause fear among many people.
If these petty crimes go untouched, it is easy for the perpetrators to develop their behavior into severe crimes. Additionally, it is common for disorderly neighborhoods to offer a perfect habitat for major crime perpetrators because it becomes hard to track them once they mingle with the minor crime perpetrators Thompson, Hence, implementation of broken windows theory can be an effective way of preventing disorder and subsequent minor crimes such vandalism, prostitution, and panhandling.
According to Kelling, one of the approaches towards maintaining order in neighborhoods is the use of foot-patrol officers. The officers are mandated to prevent any unruly or disorderly behaviors on the streets. This is implemented by allowing the police officers to question or frisk any suspect, forbidding public drinking and begging at public places, and discouraging noise making and rowdy behaviors on the streets.
The patrol police should be empowered to arrest individuals who fail to comply with the legal issues. Additionally, it is broken windows theory essay common knowledge that disorder is interlinked, in a developmental sequence, with crime.
Various police officers and psychologists support the claim that if a window in a building is broken and left broken windows theory essay, all the other windows will eventually be broken. This claim is true and applies to both nice neighborhoods secure as well as run-down ones. Window breaking does not necessarily happen on a large scale because not all inhabitants of an area are window-breakers; some are window-lovers Thompson, broken windows theory essay, Therefore, broken windows theory essay, one unrepaired window broken windows theory essay lack of care, which means that breaking more windows costs nothing.
One of the vehicles, which he left on a street in Bronx had no license plates and also its hood was damaged. The comparable vehicle was left in Palo Alto, California.
The vehicle left on Bronx Street was destroyed by vandals after a few minutes of its abandonment. The first people to destroy the car were a family; that is father, mother, and son. In less than 24 hours, broken windows theory essay, almost the whole car was destroyed and almost all valuable parts removed.
According to Zimbardo, most of the vandals were well dressed adults, who appeared to be respectable. The car left in Palo Alto remained untouched for almost a week, until when Zimbardo came with a sledgehammer and destroyed part of it. Within a few minutes, passersby started joining him.
In a few hours the car was utterly destroyed and turned upside down. Also, broken windows theory essay, the vandals in Palo Alto appeared to be respectable individuals. This is the same way that lack of attention and control of minor crimes can lead to serious offenses.
Once individuals realize that no one cares, they can take advantage of the situation and get involved in actions they are not aware of the consequences or benefits. Furthermore, implementation of broken windows theory can help reduce prevalence of major offenses within cities and neighborhoods.
True to the saying practice makes perfect, broken windows theory essay, continued engagement in minor offenses such as vandalism increases a persons chances of becoming a robber or engaging in other major offenses. Additionally, if individuals understand that no one cares about the minor offenses, they gain confidence of engaging in serious offenses. Moreover, if the police are involved in constant prevention of minute offenses, they even scare and discourage potential felony crime perpetrators.
Frisking and questioning of those caught in small offenses also increases the chances of arresting those planning to undertake major crimes such as murder and robbery. A number of issues have been raised concerning the applicability and feasibility of implementing broken windows theory as a way of preventing crimes within neighborhoods.
One of the factors is the concept of increasing fear in neighborhoods, broken windows theory essay. They state that this increased fear turn the people into enemies of the police, broken windows theory essay a result of constant confrontation.
Others state that, fear of crime is an ephemeral issue to deserve much attention within neighborhoods. However, what these critics do not understan If you are broken windows theory essay original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the ProEssays website, please click below to request its removal:.
Sorry, but it's not possible to copy the text due to security reasons. Enter your email to get this essay sample. Enter your email and we'll send you a properly formatted printable broken windows theory essay of this essay right away. Broken Windows Theory Date: Sociology Law Crime. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. Broken Windows Theory Application A major challenge and problem facing the criminal justice system as well as the country as a whole is the increased crimes in the neighborhoods and cities.
Pros of Broken Windows Theory Maintaining order is one of the basic factors involved in ensuring safety within neighborhoods and cities. Cons of Broken Windows Theory A number of issues have been raised concerning the applicability and feasibility of implementing broken windows theory as a way of preventing crimes within neighborhoods. Request Removal If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the ProEssays website, please click below to request its removal: Request the removal of this essay.
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Broken Windows Theory - Words | Essay Example
James Q. Wilson Essay On Broken Windows Theory. Words3 Pages. James Wilson and George Kelling introduced the broken windows theory in The broken windows theory states that any minor crimes, if ignored will increase into higher and more serious crimes. This theory implies that if you control an area to be well be ordered and maintained, this could stop further acts and decrease the crime rates Mar 19, · A major theory that has been applied in some cities and neighborhoods as a strategy to prevent major crimes is the broken windows theory. As stated, the theory was developed by George Kelling and James Q. Wilson, and also applied by various practitioners such as William J. Bratton, the former New York Police Commissioner
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