Duke University Supplement Essay Writing: Great Hints Duke is a private educational establishment situated in Durham, North Carolina. It was founded in the city of Trinity in In , the university moved to Durham, and since that time, it has been regarded as one of the top-rated educational establishments in the blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Duke's commitment to diversity and inclusion includes sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. If you would like to share with us more about your identity, you can do so here, or use any previous essay prompt you feel is appropriate. Read our essay guide to get started The Why Duke essay is a key part of your Duke application since it lets the school know why you want to go to Duke, what you want to get out of your time there, and how Duke will prepare you for the future. In words or less, you need to explain why Duke is the school you want to attend
Check Out Great Duke University Supplement Essay Sample
College Essays, duke university essay. Are you hoping to become a Blue Devil? The Why Duke essay is a small but important part of your Duke application. This is the place where you explain exactly why you love Duke so duke university essay. However, there are thousands of students who want to attend Duke, duke university essay, and only duke university essay small percentage of them get in.
What can you do to make sure your Why Duke essay sets you apart and helps you get accepted? Keep reading to learn what the Why Duke essay prompts are, exactly what Duke is looking for when they read them, and what you should write about to and convince Duke you'd be an asset to their school. We also include a Why Duke essay example so you can see what an actual essay response looks like.
The Why Duke essay prompt is o ne of several essay prompts you'll need to answer in your Duke application. You can learn more about the other Duke essays in our in-depth guide. You can also get more information about how to answer the "Why This College? Why does Duke require applicants to answer this essay? What are they really looking for in your response to "why Duke"?
Let's analyze these prompts. No matter which schools you're applying to, duke university essay " why this school " prompt is probably the most common prompt you'll on college applications. Because colleges want to see that you really want to attend their school. Students who love the school they attend and feel that it's a good fit are more duke university essay to accept an offer of admission, be interested in their studies, take advantage of what the school offers, and give back after they graduate.
Basically, Duke and other schools which include this prompt are looking for students who will take advantage of all the unique opportunities they offer so they have the biggest impact at the school and when they're alumni.
If you show that you really love Duke and are ready to make the most of your time there, it makes admissions officers feel more confident you're going to have a significant and positive impact on their school, duke university essay. If you can't give any compelling reasons for choosing Duke or you don't seem to have done much research on the school, that makes Duke worry that you'll only do the bare minimum in college or have much of an impact during your time at Duke or afterwards.
Additionally, Duke asks you to write this essay to make sure you and their school are a good fit for each other. If you use this essay to talk about majors, classes, internships, study abroad options, etc. that Duke doesn't offer, the admissions team may be hesitant to offer you a place at Duke since it may not be the best place for you to reach your goals.
Basically, the purpose of this essay is twofold: Duke wants to make sure you know and value what they offer, and they also want to see how you're going to make use of these opportunities to reach your goals for the future.
Because Duke has so many opportunities to offer students, there are many ways to approach duke university essay essay topic. Here's a list of potential ideas:. In your response, you should choose about one or two reasons why you think Duke is the best school for you. For each reason, you should describe what Duke offers and connect it back to your interest and skills to show how you're a good match for the school.
You want to attend Duke to take advantage of the Duke Startup Challenge to get your product out there, then participate in DukeEngage or a similar program Duke offers to try the product out in duke university essay field. Or, you may be a mechanical engineering student who wants to work with a specific professor at Pratt and take advantage of the research opportunities Duke offers to study thermal and fluids systems.
Look: we get it. Duke basketball is AMAZING, duke university essay. But don't talk about it in your "Why Duke?
Save it for Cameron Stadium. Duke's basketball team has an extremely dedicated fan base, and many students choose to go to Duke at least partly because they love the basketball team. However, we strongly duke university essay you from using this essay to discuss your love of Duke basketball. There are several reasons for this.
First, many, duke university essay, many applicants mention the basketball team as a reason they want to attend Duke, so you won't make your essay unique or memorable if you give the same reason most other people do, duke university essay.
Second, Duke is foremost an academic institution, and it wants students who are dedicated to their studies. Duke classes require a lot of work, and if you give the impression that all you'll be doing at Duke is waiting hours in line so you can be the first one in Cameron Stadium for each game, they may wonder if you'll succeed at the school. So write about something other than the basketball team, and then once you get in, duke university essay, feel free to paint yourself blue and join the other Cameron Crazies.
No matter how you decide to answer the "Why Duke" prompt, here are four tips you should keep in mind to make sure you stand out from the crowd and show Duke that you're a student they want to have at their school, duke university essay.
Before you start writing, you should know a lot about the opportunities Duke offers and why you want to go there. Here are some places to start your research:. From your research, you now have multiple reasons as to why Duke is a great school for you.
Choose one or two of them to write about in your essay. The more specific you can be when answering the "Why Duke" prompt, the better. Don't just say that Duke has great classes, duke university essay professors, and an interesting student body. Most schools have that, and the people reading your essay will wonder if you're using an identical essay for every school you're applying to, duke university essay.
Instead, try to mention opportunities only Duke can provide, such as specific professors, course names, extracurriculars, or research programs.
The things you discuss should be things your other top schools don't offer, things that really make Duke stand duke university essay. Duke students are a passionate bunch, and Duke wants students who care a lot about what their studies and their school. A generic statement like, "I am impressed by Duke's strong engineering programs" doesn't tell the school anything about you or help you stand out from other applicants.
Why does the engineering program make you so excited? How do you want to use your engineering skills in the future? Write about those things instead, duke university essay. Showing a passion that's unique will help differentiate duke university essay from other applicants and show Duke that you'll take your studies seriously.
The word limit on this essay means that it's going to be very short, so you want to get the most out of those words. Start with an outline of your main points: why you want to go to Duke and how you'll make the most of those opportunities at the school and after graduation, then expand from there until you hit words. This isn't the essay to tell an in-depth story about your childhood or go into flowery duke university essay. Instead, make your main points strong and don't worry about adding too many embellishments to the essay.
Sometimes the best way to understand what a great Duke essay looks like is to look at an example, duke university essay. Below is a Why Duke essay example, followed by an explanation of what makes it stand out. Shows Passion: It's clear that this student loves Duke.
From gasping duke university essay his first look at campus to his mouth almost watering at the thought of going there, he's clearly committed to the school. Mentions Specific Details: This is a short essay, but the writer still manages to mention multiple professors, programs, duke university essay, and subjects Duke has that duke university essay interested in.
That shows he did his research and definitely isn't using the same generic essay for each school he applies to. However, he has a plan to get started and duke university essay where those interests take him, which shows motivation and initiative.
The Why Duke essay is a key part of your Duke application since it lets the school know why you want to go to Duke, what you want to get out of your time there, and how Duke will prepare you for the future.
In words or less, you need to explain why Duke is the school you want to attend. There are many ways to answer the prompt, but you should always make sure to do your research on the school, use specific examples, show your passion for the school, and make every word count.
Want to know how to answer the other Duke essay prompts? Check out our guide on the Duke essays for everything you need to know! Is Duke an Ivy League School? Learn more about the Ivy League and whether Duke university essay is part of it by reading our guide to Ivy League schools.
Want to stand apart from other Duke applicants? Learn how to score a perfect on the SATso you can increase your shot at getting into the school of your dreams!
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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.
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How to Get Into Duke University - The stats you MUST have to get accepted
, time: 29:52How to Write the Duke Supplemental Essays

Both the Transfer Common Application and the Coalition Application include a one-page personal essay as well as short essay questions specific to Duke. The transfer application has a character rather than a word limit. If your essays exceed the character limit, you may email the essay to undergrad-admissions@blogger.com Please ensure that you include your full name, date of birth, and current Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins · Duke Supplemental Essay Example 1: Top-of-Mind Identity I look around my room, dimly lit by an orange light. On my desk, a framed picture of an Asian family beaming their smiles, buried among US history textbooks and The Great blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins The Why Duke essay is a key part of your Duke application since it lets the school know why you want to go to Duke, what you want to get out of your time there, and how Duke will prepare you for the future. In words or less, you need to explain why Duke is the school you want to attend
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