When you start reading the paper, first open a text editor file and write down your notes. Do the review in two stage, first is the fast screening review, and Second, detail review. While you read the paper in detail in the second stage, in the first stage, just write general comments about the paper · Work out how you will structure the paper, what key points you want to highlight, and what the story is that you will be telling through your review · Contact the Editor-in-Chief and provide: (i) the title of the review paper; (ii) a detailed reason why, in the light of the state of the art, the review is needed; (iii) a brief description of the contents of the paper including, chapter titles. The Editor-in-Chief will evaluate the proposal and contact the authors with a decision on the matter
Guidance for Review Papers - News - Elsevier
Once how to submit review paper of your article has started, you can track the status of your article via Track Your Accepted Article. Help expand a public dataset of research that support the SDGs. Over the past seven years, how to submit review paper, I have reviewed more than scientific papers in my how to submit review paper. Second, you know what others do in research, hence, the review broadens your scope.
Third, I see this review process as a public service, how to submit review paper. I tried my best to help authors to improve their works by giving useful feedback, and I hope others look as how to submit review paper and constructive to my own work.
Recently, I have tried to record some of them on publons. Check out my account on publons, here. I have also served as an Editorial board member for some journals, like Applied Soft Computing, by Elsevier I.
I got many certificates, appreciations, and awards for my reviews and feedbacks for those papers I reviewed, how to submit review paper. Over these years, my experience in the review has been improved gradually. Of course, you may know this already, but I reach it by experience. Now, I can confirm that my first review in is not like my review a few days ago.
Over the time, you become more stable how to submit review paper able to give wise advice. Combining all these reasons, I decided to write down those points that I recognized during this time and put them all together to form some informal guidelines from my experience. I will categorize them into three categories, 1 Accepting a paper to review, 2 Reviewing a paper, and 3 Submitting a review.
I will update these guidelines from time to time when I recognize some new issues. Home Journals Applied Soft Computing News Tips and advice when you review a scientific paper. Submit Your Paper. Supports Open Access.
View Articles. Track Your Paper Check submitted paper Check the status of your submitted manuscript in the submission system Track accepted paper Once production of your article has started, you can track the status of your article via Track Your Accepted Article. Order Journal. Journal Metrics CiteScore : CiteScore values are based on citation counts in a range of four years e. Impact Factor: 5. Journal Citation Reports Clarivate Analytics, 5-Year Impact Factor: 5. Journal Citation Reports Clarivate Analytics, Source Normalized Impact per Paper SNIP : 2.
SCImago Journal Rank SJR : 1. View More on Journal Insights. Your Research Data Share your research data Data in Brief co-submission MethodsX co-submission. Related Links Researcher Academy Author Resources Try out personalized alert features. Related Publications Soft Computing Letters. Tips and advice when you review a scientific paper. Published by Bestoun S.
Accepting a paper to review This stage is when you get an invitation to review and you have to accept or decline it. When you accept a paper out of your scope, most probably, your judgment will not be fair.
Besides, you will spend longer time to understand and review. Accepting a paper out of your scope will lead to delay in the review process also. If you have a conflict of interest with one of the authors, never even accept this paper to review.
This may also harm your reputation in the future if the editor knows that without informing him, how to submit review paper. If you feel that you cannot finish the paper within one month and a half this is my timing suggestion, it is not standarddecline the review.
Sometimes, this review is just a procedure, and they will accept the paper even when you reject it. Reviewing a paper This how to submit review paper is the actual review stage when you accepted the invitation to review. Be responsible and do it in time. How to submit review paper far as you accept the invitation, it is your responsibility, put it on your agenda and do it. Try to write in a simple and clear English.
As a reviewer, you have to have a vision. Also, think about the impact of the paper in the field. Some papers are establishing new directions of research. Complicated papers are not necessarily of good quality. Besides, complicated and colorful graphs are not an indication of good results.
Remember, your style of writing is not standard. The author does not know you to follow your writing style. Give some space and freedom to the author.
Do not be so harsh. Of course, be tough or even harsh when you see plagiarism. Having the name of one or more well-known professors on the paper does not mean that its quality is excellent. Concentrate more on the content rather than names. In the same way, getting a paper from a well-known institute does not mean it is a quality paper. Never, ever look at the country of origin of the paper or institute.
Nowadays, science is everywhere, and you may get a high-quality paper from a very developing country.
How to submit review paper software engineering, for example, an excellent outcome may come from a researcher who sits in an impoverished village with one computer and an internet connection. There are no boundaries, and not limitations nowadays. When you start reading the paper, first open a text editor file and write down your notes. Do the review in two stage, how to submit review paper is the fast screening review, and Second, detail review.
While you read the paper in detail in the second stage, in the first stage, just write general comments about the paper. For example, in the first stage, write about the preparation of the paper, quality of the graphs, references style, … Etc.
When you know that this work is from a new Ph. student, be gentle and kind to him. Maybe it is his first time writing a scientific paper.
Try to give him useful advice even if you are going to reject the paper. Try to be his supervisor for one hour and provide him with advice to improve his work. Your harsh feedback may hurt him without knowing that. He may not get sleep for two days It happened to me during my Ph. With those old and well-known professors, I tend to be tough.
Specify exactly the point of weakness and where in the paper? What does this comment mean? It means many things. The length of the paper is significant to me. There is no specific page number for the length unless the journal has it in the instruction, how to submit review paper. However, in general, how to submit review paper, when I get a paper, after reading it, I will figure out if the paper is an original title that may establish a new direction or an improvement over an already established area.
In general, I prefer straightforward Abstract. Check the citation of the references. For many papers I get, authors are using references like fillers. Check the cited reference and assure that the reference really supports the sentence that cited for. Check the references for fake journals and conferences. I think we must cite references from reliable sources like well-known journals and conferences. We should not give credit to those fake venues.
The quality of the figures and graphs is really a big problem. Zoom in the pdf document and see if the quality of the graph changes. This will assure the quality of the graph even when you zoom in.
You can find many papers nowadays in which there are small graphs with small essential measurements on them, but you cannot see them well. When you ask for a revision, you have to be specific about what you want exactly from the author. If you feel that what you want is not possible in less than three months, it is better to reject the paper at the first stage. Rejecting a paper after revision is really disappointing for the authors. Of course, you can reject a paper after revision if you find significant problems.
Verifying the results is really a big problem to me. You can easily draw a graph with fake results.
How to submit research articles to Elsevier journals #Elsevier #submission tutorials
, time: 16:59Tips and advice when you review a scientific paper - News - Elsevier
When you start reading the paper, first open a text editor file and write down your notes. Do the review in two stage, first is the fast screening review, and Second, detail review. While you read the paper in detail in the second stage, in the first stage, just write general comments about the paper · Work out how you will structure the paper, what key points you want to highlight, and what the story is that you will be telling through your review How do I submit a paper for review? Click “Writing Lab” on our homepage for a paper review. To begin, click “I understand” to drop off your paper. Next, enter a title for your paper along with your assignment and/or instructions for your tutor
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