Argumentative Essay On Child Marriage Words4 Pages From third world countries to the United States, child brides have became more epidemic. Child marriage is outlawed in many countries and international agreements forbid the practice but yet till this day this tradition stills spans around the world · And though teenage marriages are legal in almost all countries, they can be conjoined with a set of issues that require closer attention. Marriage is not all about love, being in a relationship, and understanding; it also has a much more grounded side, which is finance. Whereas people who get married as an adult, after they already have a job and a separate place to live, teenagers are much The first cause of why teenage marriage are not a good idea is because, financial problem. we are live in an era that required money to move anything so as we know most of teenager are totally broke it is because they are, jobless and only hope a help from their parents. According to Brownfield
Teenage Marriages: Free Analysis Essay Example
Home — Essay Samples — Family — Marriage — Positive and Negative Sides of Teenage Marriage. In this globalization erawe can see that world are trying to be like the old one.
It is because they starting to be many group of teenager getting married while they are still schooling. But nowdaysit is totally different because teenage marriage argumentative essay are expensive and to build a family you must have a good financial status and it means you have to haved a teenage marriage argumentative essay to make sure you have a good job, teenage marriage argumentative essay.
The first cause of why teenage marriage are not a good idea is because, financial problem, teenage marriage argumentative essay.
we are live in an era that required money to move anything so as we know most of teenager are totally broke it is because they arejobless and only hope a help from their parents.
According to Brownfield, teenage marriage argumentative essay. A October 1st teens need their parents to provide stability in their turbulent lives. When someone get married they are totally not their parents responsible anymore it has to be their own responsibility to find a money for their family.
It is also to make sure there are no issue between your partner in the future that can ruin your marriage. Other than that cause of why teenage marriage are not a good idea is becauselack of life experience. Teenage is a third stage of human life and teenage marriage argumentative essay first stage of human can think equally.
It means they are still young and soft to adapt a big problem. According to Pratap. A December 10th most of the teenage marriages fail because people at this age are still immature to make the most important decisions like marriage. It is better to get married at adult age because when were in teenage moment its actually a time for someone to enjoy their life and a beginning to start knowing world but not a time to have a family.
As we know teenager are likely more spent their time with friends compare to family and sometimes they even trust friend more than family.
Marry at a young have their own pros and cons but teenager have to be smart in making a decision as examplemake sure your financial status is in good condition before you get married and find someone that willing to stay with you even you are not in a good conditionnot someone that stayed with you when you were rich and handsome only.
By having a good plan and trust the marriages will stay last long eventhough its all start when both of you are still teenager. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student.
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Argumentative Essay On Teenage Marriage; Argumentative Essay On Teenage Marriage. Words 8 Pages. Show More. The Teenagers Marriage Ghassan B. Joudah Dubai International School Abstract Marriage is when a male and a female unite together legally. In some countries, it is legal for two people from the same gender to marry each other Argumentative Essay On Child Marriage Words4 Pages From third world countries to the United States, child brides have became more epidemic. Child marriage is outlawed in many countries and international agreements forbid the practice but yet till this day this tradition stills spans around the world The first cause of why teenage marriage are not a good idea is because, financial problem. we are live in an era that required money to move anything so as we know most of teenager are totally broke it is because they are, jobless and only hope a help from their parents. According to Brownfield
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