This year, we are adding two questions to the Common Application’s University of Southern California supplement. All students applying to a major within USC Dornsife, as either a first-choice or second-choice major, should select one of the two questions and provide a brief ( words or less) response waste their time. Some of the applications ask for short essays and their questions are specific. If this is the case, do what the question asks of you. If the question asks you what your career objectives are and how a USC education can help you obtain those goals, think about it and then tell them straight out · Example: A math professor; sharing my love of topology to positively shape students’ view of the subject. Example: Crossword Puzzle Writer; my mornings aren’t complete without a cup of OJ and my daily brain teaser. Tip: If you go with a serious answer, make a clear connection to your major to show that you’re focused on your academic path
How to Write the USC Supplemental Essays | CollegeVine
Want to get a better sense of what USC is looking for? For deep insights into how this private research university envisions its role and how it wants to grow and evolve, read its most recent strategic plan, Answering The Call scroll to bottom to download the entire document, usc dornsife supplemental essay examples. Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests at USC.
Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections. You do not need to address a summer break.
Please respond to one of the three the prompts below. USC believes that one learns best when interacting with people of different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives.
Tell us about a time you were exposed to a new idea or when your beliefs were challenged by another point of view. Describe something outside of your intended academic focus about which you are interested in learning. What is something about yourself that is essential to understanding you? Tips : Our favorite of these is the third one. USC Essay Example 1 written for Prompt 3 :. When I joined usc dornsife supplemental essay examples Durham Youth Commission, a group of students chosen to represent youth interests within local government, I met Miles.
After that, usc dornsife supplemental essay examples notion of normal would never be the same. A melting pot of ideologies, skins, socio-economic classes, faiths, usc dornsife supplemental essay examples, and educations, the DYC is a unique collaborative enterprise.
My ability to listen empathetically helped us envision multifaceted solutions to issues facing 21st-century youth. My experience in this space of affirmation and engagement has made me a more thoughtful person and listener. Reconciling disparate lifestyles and backgrounds in the Commission has prepared me to become a compassionate leader, eager to both expand perspectives and take collaborative action. Usc dornsife supplemental essay examples other essays, usc dornsife supplemental essay examples, if you can.
This sample essay is basically an extracurricular activity essay that the student re-used for this prompt. It describes a community she was a part of, a perspective of hers that changed, and yes, as mentioned it was part of an extracurricular activity. Even if you do write about an extracurricular activity, bring it back to you.
In other words, make it personal, usc dornsife supplemental essay examples. She also indirectly communicates that she values listening, collaboration, and meaningful work, usc dornsife supplemental essay examples.
Bonus Points: Ask yourself: How might you develop this essential part of yourself at USC? Research a club, class, space, or speaker who will help you further engage with this identity at USC. Here are three other great examples of USC essays that worked for this prompt:. I once believed that despite learning English from the ground up and struggling with several Americanisms, my Brazilian identity was just a matter of geography. But returning to Fortaleza this year showed me the tethers I was blind to.
While browsing a crafts market, I met an elderly gentleman selling cordéis: booklets of long, narrative-driven lyrics musicians purchase and interpret. He told me he wrote them himself, and offered to play a song. And so, listening to this haunting, droning hymn, I looked through the various tales these authors had conceived… stories of Brazilian heroes, thieves, princesses. Even in my home studio in Washington, usc dornsife supplemental essay examples, I feel an energy being channeled from Fortaleza, through my fingers, into the music.
Three books started the trajectory of the person I am today: Savages in the Mirror by Gunn Allen, Yellow by Wu, and Citizen by Rankine. Gunn Allen reexamines canonical history that erased Native American voices. Wu gives a voice to my experiences being Chinese-American. Rankine portrays African-American history and identity through bursts of color, art, and poetry. Three books.
I fell in love with them after reading them in Honors American Literature. So much history, pain, celebration, power. When I study economics, I think of the motives that shaped America and continue to do so. When I study politics and business, I remember the importance of bringing in the voices of history into actions of today.
They have changed the way I usc dornsife supplemental essay examples to view the world and learn business. My passion for history led me to an internship at the Sejong Institute, a think tank specializing in Korean diplomacy. This notion usc dornsife supplemental essay examples applies to my participation in MUN.
Learning about the often-controversial past actions of nations prompted me to raise ethical questions. In resolving these conflicts, how do we balance national sovereignty with the responsibility of former colonial powers to stabilize the region? From tracing the African exodus of Homo erectus to examining La Bestia freight trains used by US-bound migrantsI now understand that migration is as old as history itself.
In college, I hope to continue drawing connections between history and contemporary geopolitics. Make a copy of this chart to map out your college research, usc dornsife supplemental essay examples.
Create an outline for your essays based on either Approach 1, 2 recommendedor 3 in the full guide above. Make sure to connect each of your USC examples to your first- and second-major choices. Mistake 1 : Writing about the school's size, location, usc dornsife supplemental essay examples, reputation, weather, or ranking. Mistake 2 : Simply using emotional language to demonstrate fit. Mistake 3 : Screwing up the mascot, stadium, team colors or names of any important people or places on campus.
Mistake 4 : Parroting the brochures or website language. Mistake 5 : Describing traditions the school is well-known for. Mistake 6 : Thinking of this as only a "Why Them" usc dornsife supplemental essay examples. Science stimulates my thoughts. Music heals my soul. Because the possibility to double major is encouraged, I ultimately want to mold medicine and music together, uncovering ways to use music as treatment for diseases.
Outside academics, the bustling extracurriculars at USC already excite me. In the center of LA, I see myself running from lab to stage, changing from a white coat to concert attire, experimenting various treatments then rehearsing for an upcoming a cappella gig. Bursting with opportunities, USC supports this interdisciplinary approach usc dornsife supplemental essay examples provides endless opportunities for me to delve into the two very different passions of mine.
My dream is to be an opera singing doctor, and USC supports every aspect. The author shows two sides of herself and names specific ways that each of those sides would flourish at USC. Scan the essay and look for capital letters. Those are the school-related specifics.
Create a clear, solid structure for the essay. This essay does that in the first sentence of each paragraph. Go back and re-read them. See how easy the essay reads as a result? Jacqueline Novogratz used financial investments and Wall Street as a vehicle to help others. Courses such as Financial Markets will allow me to examine how Wall Street functions within the American economy, while Introduction to Econometrics will help usc dornsife supplemental essay examples develop quantitative analysis skills for evaluating the market.
By pairing courses such as The World Economy and International Finance with Neuroeconomics and Behavioral Economics I hope to not only discover the economic reasoning that motivates people, but also how those individual actions can accumulate to have effects visible on a macroeconomic scale. I also love big questions--Why are people attracted to money in the first place?
Does capitalism foster immorality? I hope to confront the universal problems that I may experience throughout my life, so that If I come close to making a harmful decision, I can step back and existentially evaluate my choices.
As a Trojan, I hope to explore my existing passions while creating new ones. As a child, I was curious to know how the human mind works. Growing up in a mathematically talented family, I was encouraged to learn how to make mental calculations.
At age 8, I won a mathematics race against an accountant with a calculator and became fascinated with not only mathematics but also neuroscience. As one of the only universities to have computational neuroscience as a major, USC will definitely provide me with the practical knowledge I need to pursue my intended career as a physician. With a major in computational neuroscience, I can apply my mathematical and computational techniques toward the understanding of complex neural systems.
Usc dornsife supplemental essay examples also hope to participate in the Summer Undergraduate Research Fund SURF program to research diseases, injuries, and mental impairments and build computer-based models that explain the biological functions of the brain. These models will enhance my understanding of how synapses function and change in relation to external stimulus, allowing me to build technologies that diagnose both the physical and mental disabilities of patients.
In order to approach computational neuroscience with a knowledge of artificial intelligence, I plan to conduct research with Professor Laurent Itti to learn how the intelligence of machines can exceed that of humans. I hope to one day design more powerful models and methods of testing theories related to neuronal networks.
So how do you write about a gap year or time off between high school and college? Who can squish their face in the funniest shape for the camera? Who can find the weirdest snack in the supermarket? Ready, go! But when my dad got sick the summer after my senior year of high school, the game was up. It was impossible to go to college during this time of crisis, so I took the year off to support my family.
Many days, my dad and I would talk. Our new game was one of curiosity. That spring, my dad beat cancer. Although that year was hard, it was defined by a clearer understanding of my relationships to others. I was profoundly affected by the new bond I shared with my father.
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waste their time. Some of the applications ask for short essays and their questions are specific. If this is the case, do what the question asks of you. If the question asks you what your career objectives are and how a USC education can help you obtain those goals, think about it and then tell them straight out · Example: A math professor; sharing my love of topology to positively shape students’ view of the subject. Example: Crossword Puzzle Writer; my mornings aren’t complete without a cup of OJ and my daily brain teaser. Tip: If you go with a serious answer, make a clear connection to your major to show that you’re focused on your academic path This year, we are adding two questions to the Common Application’s University of Southern California supplement. All students applying to a major within USC Dornsife, as either a first-choice or second-choice major, should select one of the two questions and provide a brief ( words or less) response
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