Many students take writing a research paper as a challenging and very meticulous task. But if one gets enough practice in school, it can make it easier for them to write a research paper. Once used to, it becomes easier. Research paper writing is meticulous. It is because there is a lot of research that is required to be done It is entirely possible to write a research paper in a day. I have accomplished that feat on multiple occasions. However, before I sat down to write, I had tables or summaries of all of my observations in hand. I had polished figures that provided the narrative for the research paper How to write a research paper in one day ❶ Choose a topic and collect information. An academic paper involves the creation of an organized argument based on a ❷ Prepare drafts. After choosing the topic, sketch out the approximate plan of your research paper, think about the ❸ Write an
How to write a page paper in a day - Quora
Last Updated: September 3, writing a research paper in a day, References Approved. This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD. Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has been viewed 78, times. Oh no!
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Download Article Explore this Article parts. Tips and Warnings. Things You'll Need. Related Articles. Co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD Last Updated: September 3, References Approved. Part 1 of Read the prompt your teacher or professor gave you. Before you pick a topic, writing a research paper in a day, you will want to be sure that it fits within the confines of the assignment.
Choose an occupation that American women frequently held in the 19th century. Write an page research paper about this occupation. Brainstorm a list of possible topics for your research paper. Do a quick Google search on each writing a research paper in a day your topics. If any of them return very few results, cross them off your list. Be sure that a lot of your hits return results from credible sources. Look for sites that end in. edu or. Select the topic of your research paper.
Pick a topic that returned a lot of credible hits on Google, and, if possible, also interests you. This topic returned a lot of hits from university and government sources, and there appear to be lots of books about 19th century American midwifery. Write a preliminary outline of subtopics. This will help you form more in-depth searches. You may want to include some questions that you have about your topic in your preliminary outline.
You will probably want one subtopic for roughly every pages. So for a 10 page paper, try to think of at least subtopics. Your outline on 19th century midwifery may look something like this: Demographics - Which women were midwives? Payment - Did people pay them cash? Daily life - Did midwives have other responsibilities beyond childbirth?
What did their daily lives consist of? Laws - Legality of midwifery? Qualifications - How did a person get to be a midwife? Stats - How many women were midwives? Part 2 of Decide how you will organize your research as you go. Choose an organization system that works well for you. Consider: Bookmarking the websites on your browser of choice Copy and pasting links into a Word or Google document which you can later turn into a Bibliography Using a research organization tool such as Zotero or any other site that keeps track of sources and creates Bibliographies.
Do a Google search on the first subtopic. Be sure to try various ways of phrasing it. For example, if you want to find out about midwife demographics first, there are a variety of ways you might accomplish this. Save the most relevant web pages that Google returns. At this point, you should just skim them for relevance to your topic.
You will look at them more carefully as you start to write. This is obviously a source that will help you, so you should save it and move on. Use Google Books and Amazon previews. Google and Amazon have both digitized a huge quantity of books. Save links to any books that appear. One of the two sites may have the part that you need. The advantage to looking at digitized version of books is that you can use the search feature to find keywords relevant to your topic.
If you find a book that has exactly what you need, but the text of it is not available online, you may want to make a quick trip to your library and check it out. For example, a book with a title like, American Midwifery Before and After the Civil War may be worth the effort to track down.
On the other hand, a book called, Life in the 18th Centurywhich appears to include just a few paragraphs on midwifery, may not be worth your time. Search Google Scholar for your subtopic. This search engine will return peer-reviewed and reliable sources.
Save your results. This search will return both scholarly articles and writing a research paper in a day. Clicking this may yield more good sources. Some articles that Google Scholar returns will only have a preview or an abstract. You may want to wait until you have conducted the bulk of your research to determine whether any articles are worth buying. Search online databases.
If you have access to a college or university library, login, and choose a database such as JSTOR, Proquest, or LexisNexis. Search for your topic and subtopics in any of the databases you writing a research paper in a day access to. Repeat your searches for every subtopic, writing a research paper in a day. Be sure to save all of the relevant sources. Eliminating sources later is much easier than having to do more research at the last minute. For example, maybe you ran across an article that discussed 19th century midwifery worldwide.
Save the article anyway, and you can return to it later if you need to. Revise your outline. This is the time to decide for sure which subtopics you will write about. You will probably want at least pages per subtopic, depending on how much information you found.
Narrow your focus to the topics that you have lots of information on. If any of your subtopics did not turn up enough relevant results for you to write a few pages about them, cross them off your outline.
There are a few good websites that talk about the exchange of goods in payment for midwifery services, but not enough information to yield several paragraphs, writing a research paper in a day. Maybe as you were searching, you discovered that 19th century American midwives frequently clashed with professional, licensed physicians, and you found lots of good sources discussing this issue. Part 3 of Start drafting. Pick the subtopic that you feel most comfortable with, and start writing about that topic, then work your writing a research paper in a day through the other subtopics.
Keep a Word or Google document open on one side of your computer or one monitor, if you have dual monitorsand open your first resource under your first subtopic on the other side or the other monitor.
Writing a 5 Page Research Essay in 1 Night! (+ A Secret Grammar Trick)
, time: 10:22Tips on How to Write a Research Paper in a Single Day - Imagup
It is entirely possible to write a research paper in a day. I have accomplished that feat on multiple occasions. However, before I sat down to write, I had tables or summaries of all of my observations in hand. I had polished figures that provided the narrative for the research paper · Draft your research paper; Select the subtopic that looks most familiar to you and start writing. Keep a window with the list of your sources open during the whole writing process. You will save a lot of time if you don’t switch between windows. Read sources carefully and write about what you’ve just learned in your own words · We know. You had every intention of getting your essay done before the deadline, but sometimes life can get in the way.. We wouldn't recommend writing an essay in such a short period of time, but the good news is that 3, words in a day is totally blogger.com your head down and you could meet the deadline, and even produce an essay you are proud of
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