Sep 10, · The Deeply Personal Horror of “Midnight Mass” – Guest Essay by Filmmaker Mike Flanagan One that can test the audience’s patience as much as it does its lead characters Essay About Family. Page 1 of 50 - About essays. The Family Of A Family Words | 6 Pages. face quarrels and struggles in life but the most important thing is that they have to face it with full strength and patience. These deep relationships carry lots of baggage and hurt as well. All the people in this world have to face Mar 19, · Note that a career goals essay is not only listing diverse achievements and benefits, but explaining one's route towards success. most important points that show you as a worthy candidate and continue with specific experiences and soft skills like patience, ability to work in time-critical and demanding situations, etc. Remember that a
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As Americans, we have many strengths, but strategic patience is not among them, patience essay. In Korea, nearly seven decades after an inconclusive truce, we still patience essay about 28, patience essay, troops. But our patience is not the norm. And it certainly has not been on display in Afghanistan as the world watched the Taliban storm into Kabul.
As the enormity of the events in Afghanistan this past week sinks in, the questions start. How did this happen? How could we not have foreseen it? The list goes on. There is one overarching answer: our lack of strategic patience at critical moments, including from President Biden, patience essay.
It has damaged our alliances, emboldened our adversaries and increased the risk to our own security. It has also flouted 20 years of work and sacrifice. It was not about nation building as an end in itself, or building a new democracy, or even regime change. The Taliban chose to fight instead.
Once the Taliban were defeated, our fundamental mission of patience essay that Afghanistan was never again the base for an attack on the United States did not change.
But the means to that end became much more patience essay. And the development of those means would require patience. When I arrived at Bagram Air Base in January to take charge of our reopened embassy, Afghanistan had nothing: essentially no government, no institutions, no army, no police — just a yawning vacuum, and vacuums in the greater Middle East tend to be filled by actors who do not wish us well. Hamid Karzai had arrived in Kabul patience essay a few days before me as chairman of the Afghanistan Interim Authority.
He and I spent a lot of time together in those initial weeks. He never seemed discouraged by the enormity of the task in front of him. He did not hesitate patience essay make decisions, many good, some patience essay so much. He had a vision of a stable and secure Afghanistan that threatened no one. It would be a long process, patience essay, but he said he had the patience for it. So did we, at least initially. Helping Afghans create a stable, open society could also be the best way to further our own national security objectives.
This concept had strong bipartisan support on the Hill, as a wave of congressional visitors to Kabul would attest. The first of that wave was the patience essay of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Patience essay Biden. Chairman Biden was a strong supporter. He understood the importance of societal change, and he understood that it takes time and requires patience.
While statistics in Afghanistan have never been reliable, U. estimates that when patience essay Taliban were defeated, there were somechildren in school, all of them boys.
When I left as ambassador ina decade after that first school visit, the number of students was nearly 8 millionabout 37 percent girls. It is important to note that this progress was not by any means exclusively the result of U. or other international efforts. Afghans on their own launched private initiatives in education, especially for girls, patience essay. Clearly, there were also problems, chief among them corruption.
Karzai, patience essay, and later President Ashraf Ghani, presided over governments where corruption was rampant. When vast resources are poured into a country without established institutions and rule of law, corruption is likely to be a significant patience essay. This is not to excuse corrupt officials.
It is to recognize the ubiquity of the problem and our patience essay in it. A look at our own history is instructive. Corruption was endemic in New York, Boston and Chicago through much of the 19th and into the 20th centuries.
It took us time to grow the institutions and legal structures that would eventually make corruption the exception rather than the norm. And that returns me again to the central theme: time and patience.
As our own history attests, societal change is a slow process, patience essay. Witness the 11 years our new country spent moving from the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution. Even then, issues like slavery were papered over, only to erupt in a civil war 74 years later. Yet we seem unable to appreciate that other societies will find the challenge just as difficult and even more so if the engine of change is a foreign army, patience essay.
Patience essay recall the comment attributed to a captured Taliban fighter from a number of years ago: You Americans patience essay the watches, patience essay we have the patience essay. Sadly that view proved accurate — the Taliban outlasted us and our impatience, patience essay. After the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan at the hands of U. We could see the Afghan civil war coming — the only thing holding the disparate Afghan groups together was a common enemy.
But that was not our problem — we were leaving. Patience essay Pakistan, in its own narrative, went from being the most allied of allies to the most sanctioned of adversaries. It would work with us against Al Qaeda. But we soon learned that the Taliban were a sticky matter, patience essay. I was ambassador to Pakistan from to I pushed Pakistani officials repeatedly on the need to deny the Taliban safe havens, patience essay.
So if you think we are going to turn the Taliban into a mortal enemy, you are completely crazy. The American disaster in Afghanistan that Mr. It has also been a huge boost for the Taliban, whose narrative now is that the believers, clad in the armor of the one true faith, have vanquished the infidels. That is resonating around the world, patience essay, and certainly next door in Pakistan where the T.
We need to be engaged with Pakistan on ways to assess and deal with this enhanced threat. The prospect of violent destabilization of a country with about million people and nuclear weapons is not a pretty one. The same is true in Iran. A region is worried, and it is right to be so, patience essay.
It was not only the current president showing impatience. President Donald Trump announced that peace talks would convene in Qatar between the United States and the Taliban. But patience essay took place without the Afghan government. We had caved on a longstanding Taliban condition. We therefore delegitimized the government we had pledged to support. The Taliban did eventually allow government representatives into the room, but the talks went nowhere.
As that painful process unfolded, we added injury to insult, forcing the Kabul government to release 5, Taliban prisoners, patience essay.
He was done with patience and just wanted out, whatever the consequences. He reached an agreement with the Taliban for that complete withdrawal, but left office before he could execute it, patience essay. Enter Mr, patience essay. To my shock, patience essay, he embraced Mr. We have betrayed our promises to interpreters, women and children, and others who are now trapped in an Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban.
I fear many will lose their lives because of Mr. We had their backs. Until Mr, patience essay. They will pay for it. Patience essay did not have to be this way. When I left Afghanistan as ambassador inwe had about 85, troops in the country.
When President Barack Obama left office there were fewer than 10, U, patience essay. And when Mr, patience essay. Trump departed there were fewer than 5, The Taliban still did not hold any major urban area.
Now, they hold the entire country. What changed so swiftly and completely? We did. forces destroyed an affordable status quo that could have lasted indefinitely at a minimum cost in blood and treasure. Even with a full withdrawal, we patience essay have managed steps that would have protected our interests. The ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael McCaul, and I suggested how in these pages a few months ago.
Now, the Taliban hold all the cards. They will determine whether evacuations through the Kabul airport can proceed. It is that U. Air Force C taxiing for takeoff from Kabul surrounded by a desperate Afghan mob. What a tragic and painful circle it closes two decades later.
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Arbitrary definition, subject to individual will or judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one's discretion: an arbitrary decision. See more At least, when you get to that stage, you already know how to write. Aside from that, writing high essays give a life lesson. That is, patience and resourcefulness. You need to find the right resources for your essay as well as patience when finding the right inspiration to write. You may also like academic essay Sep 26, · I don’t think that level of patience exists anymore, and I didn’t inherit it. I shout at microwaves. Of course I gave birth to a daughter who loves puzzles and has the patience of all the Scottolines combined. She plays the Spelling Bee on her phone, which is a puzzle where you form words from random letters
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